October 19, 2007

10/19/07 Yingyi Tan

4.00pm - 7.00pm

1. Prepped the CNC machine for use (45 mins)
2. Machined the magnetic hip encolder assembly (2h15min)

1. Fixed the end mill and collet into the CNC machine. Used the edge-finder to locate the lower right corner of part and from there, the center of the piece.
2. Downloaded program into CNC machine and ran the program to cut the piece to the desired shape.

19/10 Rohit

Hours : Friday 19/10 - 3.30pm t0 5.15pm

* Brainstorming on Max's revised MATLAB program - user can input location and the program outputs what mass shoudl be placed at the location for having similar mass properties for both legs. It turned out that just adding one mass will not work - the mass would have to be somewhere near the feet on the inner leg, quite far out from the plane of thr robot (8cm) and is also quite heavy (~ 200 gms) . This negates the original idea of placing everything as close to the hip as possible for energy efficiency etc.

* Also a better strategy for arriving at masses to be added (and their locations) is required. Just guessing and inputting various values into the program may not be helpful for multiple masses.

10/19/07 Gregory Falco

1:30PM - 5:00PM

1. Powerpoint presentation (.5)
2. Lab Meeting (1.5)
3. MSDS (1.5)
1. I fixed up the PP presentation made for the meeting and discussed the new blog at the meeting
2. Meeting- took notes on dates and PP presentations made by Sam and Max
3. Worked on getting MSDS for the lab chemicals

10/19/2007 Stephane Constantin

1:00 - 5:00

1) CAN tranceiver adapter
2) Lab Meeting

1) Figured out schematic
Drilled wire support holes on the adapter board
Stripped wires and crimped connectors

10/19 Kevin Ullmann

3:30 - 5:00

1.Reading about MATLAB importing functions (1 hour)
2.Reading about and creating a uicontrol listbox (.5 hours)

1. I used the MATLAB help function as well as the MATLAB Help Navigator to explore and experiment with possible options for importing data into the workspace within a GUI. Functions such as fopen, fread, and uigetfile do not seem to be helpful. I will experiment more with load and continue exploring other options.

2. I also researched the listbox uicontrol object, and created one so that the user may select from parameters directly on the GUI. I have yet to write the code to provide the object with functionality; it simply sits on the GUI right now.

19/10/2007 Sam Lee

Started 1000hrs
Ended 1600hrs

1)constructed the interface circuit to generate the slave select signal
2)tested signal output on oscilloscope
3)crossed checked with MAC7111 datasheet to make sure that the timing rules are met
4)worked on presentation for lab meeting
5)Lab meeting (from 1400hrs - 1600hrs)

10/18/07 Max Wasserman

Entered 3:00, Left 4:30

1) MATLAB Coding and Testing

1) I spend my time in lab on Thursday coding and testing a MATLAB program to determine the optimal location to add mass to the robot so that the mechanical properties of the two legs will be as close as possible. Since Rohit and I have now determined all of the relevant mechanical properties of the robot's legs with the tests to determine moment of inertia earlier this week, the next step is to determine the best way to make these properties equivalent. The program I wrote takes the mechanical properties of the inner and outer legs, as well as possible masses and locations to add, as inputs and outputs the combination of the inputted possible masses that will best equalize the properties. I will demonstrate the program during the meeting on Friday. It is important to note that most of my work on this program has come outside of the lab, as I spent four hours coding it on Wednesday night at home and another hour and a half testing it Thursday night.

Hello Lab

Dear Lab: 12:10 AM Oct 19, 2007

This is my first blog post in my life (not counting comments on others' blogs).

Do you think this will work as a way of keeping track of what you are doing and thinking in the lab?
Any problems with this? If so, let Greg and/or I know.


October 18, 2007

10/18/07 Carlos Arango

Entered: 3:00 Left: 5:00

1. Tested new method of firmly attaching casing to stop screw

2. Attached 2 of the cases

1) This involved filing a slot into the cases and forming a bit of spring wire into the correct shape. Basically, the spring loops around the screw head and hooks into the case.

2) I prepared all of the cases and formed 3 springs. When I was done attaching the third case I noticed that it had a lot of friction. After further inspection, Jason and I found out that because of a machining error the case is slightly concave instead of perfectly flat.

10/18/07 Gregory Falco

1:15 PM - 4:15 PM (3 hrs)

1. Created Blog (1 hr)

2. Worked on MSDS (2 hrs)
1. Created lab blog for students to log time and activity while in the lab. Customized the blog for the lab's needs and invited lab to join blog. Also, I prepared a demonstration to show the lab at Friday's meeting on how to use the blog.

2. Searched online for MSDS forms for lab hazardous materials and printed them out. I am beginning to create an organizational method for filing these sheets.

Blog Directions

How to use the blog:

1. At the end of each period of time you spend in the lab log into the blog.

2. In the title please list the date followed by your first and last name.

3. For the first line of the blog put the time when you entered the lab and when you plan on leaving the lab.

4. On a new line list numerically what you have done with your time in the lab (ie. 1. Machining...) . Next to each item, please approximate how long you spent on each project.

5. After the list briefly describe what you did for each item on the list (number this corresponding to the above list).

6. Before you publish the post, it is necessary that you write your name in the label entry space. Please write your LAST name followed by your FIRST name separated with a space.
**This will chronicle all of your entries so that anyone who wants to see your progress can click on your name and see what you did.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Robotics Lab Monitoring System

Dear Lab,

Welcome to our new blog! On this blog you will be able to do the following:

1. Log your hours worked in a particular day

2. Log your activities for a particular day of work

3. View your past lab activity

4. View what progress everyone in the lab has made

5. View lab announcements regarding meetings, projects and other issues

If this blog proves to be an effective tool, it can be used to tell the professor what you did in a given week rather than having to write a daily progress e-mail or actually having to schedule a meeting.

***This blog does NOT replace all communication with the Professor or Jason. It is only a tool that will help us see overall what has been done in the lab, which is necessary for the progression of our team.

Directions are to follow.

Thanks, I look forward to being virtually connected to you.


Gregory J Falco
Business Manager
Cornell University
Biorobotics and Locomotion Lab