March 28, 2008

03/28/08 Nicole Rodia

2:30-6:30 pm

1. Read documentation for A/D Converter & Eval Board
2. Sorted out parts to populate Haji's motor controller board
1. Read datasheets for MAX1402 A/D Converter and its evaluation board in preparation for testing the board when it arrives in ~1 week.
2. Sorted surface mount parts and connectors in preparation for soldering Haji's motor controller board on Monday.

March 26, 2008

3/26/08 Leticia Rojas


1. Worked on the matlab data analysis


1. I have a zoom in y feature implemented, it asks for a new minimum and maximum values to display on the graph. Now I'm trying to make it so the user can toggle the zoom with arrow keys

March 25, 2008

3/25/08 Carlos Arango


1. Helped Bram to run tests in Barton Hall


1. Bram and I took Ranger to Barton to run tests. When we got there, the calibration program began to malfunction. We tried re-programming Ranger and ignoring the small malfunction (inner feet would swing down too fast), but when Bram tried to make it walk, Ranger's inner leg would not lock forward to start walking. After some investigation and tweaking, Bram recalled that leaving LabView on while setting the computer on standby can cause troubles. He re-started LabView and from then on Ranger operated correctly. We did a couple of short walks up the 1 degree incline, but on the way back to base down the hill Ranger did not flip its inner feet down fast enough and they caught on the ground, snapping the cable that drives the ankle. Bram claims that although unfortunate, this proves to him that the flux utilized while soldering the rod sections on ranger actually weakens the cable.

To Be Continued...

3/24/08 Carlos Arango


1. Incorporated outside leg low voltage batteries into Ranger's power circuit.


1. Connected the low voltage batteries on the outside legs to Ranger's power circuit, so they can now be charged with the central ones. I will probably re-wire some of the power circuit later in the week to convert to the new high voltage batteries, bu Ranger is allegedly walking well enough that changing to those might not be required for the record attempt.

March 24, 2008

03/24/08 Leticia Rojas


1. Worked on the matlab data analysis


1. working on some of the stuff bram asked for, trying to make a zoom in y feature.

03/24/08 Nicole Rodia

4:00 - 5:30 pm

1. ADC Board/ Eval Board research and quote
2. Future Electronics Team Meeting
1. Decided to go with MAX1402 --> 5 V ADC. Requested quote for evaluation board from Maxim.
2. New boards ordered so Emily can begin CAN bus testing. Sam designing board to test USB to CAN conversion. Nicole to order A/D converter eval board for testing.